As I go through all these mementos that mom has collected for you, I stop and remember bits and pieces of what else occurred right after your disappearance. It is an overwhelming task but it's one I don't mind doing at all, if it means that you yourself are reading this or someone that you know may be reading this, because as I mentioned before, we believe you are alive.
We held a votive mass for you at Holy Rosary Church about two months after your disappearance. We did this to get everyone together and pray for you. Betty and Ana showed up. I remember crying uncontrollably in the foyer of the church after the mass, that it provoked Ana and Betty to take me into the ladies restroom to calm me down. I just remember them hovering over me, Ana holding my arm, and Betty telling Ana, and I quote what I heard, "We need to tell her!" Ana responded in an agitated voice "No! We can't tell her". All I know is that Ana looked quite upset with her eyes bulging out of her head expelling a most livid look from her face. Ana could not believe that Betty even said that to her in front of me. Since then, I knew there was some kind of secret lingering. I did not tell mom about it right away because I was still in shock about you and now trying to make sense of what I heard just complicated things for an 11 year old little girl.
As time went on, we sought out help from 'special' people. Maybe I already mentioned this before in my postings but we did seek out, in desperation, some kind of information about you and all we got was that they 'felt' or perceived or just knew by their God-given talent that you did not drown, that you were and are very much alive. One 'special' person even told us that they 'saw' you in a uniform. All I know is that we have looked for you here in the United States of course but maybe this disappearance appears to be without a trace because we have not sought you out in other countries. There is only so much we can do but I will not stop writing or posting until something comes up. I thank God for this medium of the internet that goes world-wide.
As Easter is approaching I hope you do reflect on all this and know that we have been major participants in this passion of suffering over your disappearance, and I am sure you have suffered also being apart from your family, but just as Easter symbolizes new life, we look forward to this day, soon, hopefully, and if it be God's will, of course.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
April 4, 1932
Today marks what would be our dad's 80th birthday. Some of his memories include graduating from Lanier HS in 1950, being a frequent visitor of Playland park, being in the US Coast Guard, working at Fort Sam in the Topography department as a map maker. His best memory, of course, is being your dad, our dad and mom's best friend.
God bless you dad.
A note about our dad from Tio Raul:
Nice pictures. Your dad bought us a shoe shine kit, one with the wooden box and all the supplies. We used it at the house but never for what he make some money on Zarzamora St. He gave us pointers and where to go and what to do, but we were too timid and not hungry enough I guess.
Thanks, Tio Raul, for your reply, as a matter of fact it reminded me of a story that my Tia Mine Diaz told me about dad when he was a very young man. Dad did shine shoes in San Antonio on Zarzamora Street and he got to shine the shoes of a very famous actor/comedian: Mario Moreno aka "Cantinflas". Mr. Moreno gave dad a $5 bill for that shoe shine and back then, in the 1940's, that was a lot of money! Dad was also very meticulous with our shoes. We did not have many pairs but the shoes we did have he took very good care for us. I remember him cleaning our shoes every weekend and leaving them on top of the washer for them to dry. They always looked as if they were brand new.
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