Sunday, July 27, 2014

"Year 39" 2014 June 29

Almost a month ago we went through all the motions of you 'disappearing' on June 29, 1975. 
I have heard over and over again to let go of the past, it will eat you up.
I can tell you that this has affected me in more ways than one. It has affected many of us in all sorts of ways but we all have life to deal with. We cannot just stop and engulf ourselves into this depressed state and ask over and over, why?
Here is a photo of your Converse Tennis shoes. On them you marked your initials plus the initials of your girlfriend at that time. I know she holds the key to this mystery and I pray every day that she will one day let us know the truth. 39 years. Will there be a 40th? Only you can answer that question, Junior.

A Song of interest...... for a father and son:

Mother's Day 2014

Here's a thought for you my dear brother: Although my mother, for the last 50 yrs and 8.5 months, the same woman was also your mother, although for 15 yrs and 6 months. Here's the thing, she did not choose for you to be out of her life. None of us did. Read the following and think of how our mom feels every Mother's day. Maybe this will give you the strength to come back to us.

I know Mother's day was 2 months ago but it's never too late for these thoughts.
Love, your little sister, Cindy