The human race is so on the second you wake up. I know that we go through the motions of living and trying to get everything done that we have to but at times I find myself thinking of more recollections of our childhood spent together, of those 11 years 7 months and 14 days. I have thought of those fishing trips, of that one time when we fished off the Medina river with bamboo sticks and I got the hook stuck in my right eyebrow. Dad had to cut the hook and pull it out but if it weren't for one of our cousins calling me, I wouldn't have turned his way. Our cousins, Tia Chita's kids, were our closest friends and playmates. Since we were all the same age or about, we were very close. The hard part to have to tell you is that 2 of them have since passed away.
The overwhelming task of having to tell you every detail is what is holding up my writing because I have to do some research and get the facts straight. My recollections may not be the same as what others remember them as but they are mine, anyhow but I do want to write the facts.
This week especially is a tough one since I do plan on cooking for this Thanksgiving just like I have since I got married. Yes, don't be shocked, I got married to a childhood sweetheart as a matter of fact, one that I knew since we attended Little Flower School. My daughters will be helping me cook. My son will probably do what he does best and eat it all up with the rest of us (by the way, your nephew resembles you so much it's almost unbelievable at times but so why shouldn't he? he is your blood relative and I feel that mom somehow stayed connected with you by seeing him grow up. Seeing him now makes me wonder if you were not the same at his age). Mom comes over and she makes her fruit salad that we always look forward to on this day. Do you remember those awesome cakes and pies she use to make homemade for your birthday party and Christmas combined? We had so much fun. I recall eating up the leftovers from the batter and I got sick. Dad told me that I got 'empachada' from all the raw ingredients in the batters I licked up from the bowls, literally. Boy did it hurt when he had to massage my back and stomach to relieve me from the pain. I had to always keep up with you too as far as what you ate, I had to eat, for instance, the two bowls of fideo or the 2 bowls of ice cream- Mellorine- as a matter of fact and mom would just tell me that is what I get for trying to eat like you. Well more eating is coming our way so I do need to make time for all that work in preparing and I just wonder...what are you doing to celebrate what you are thankful for? I do have to admit that as much as we have suffered over you missing from our lives, I am thankful that I had you for those 11 years 7 months and 14 days.