Here is a list of our family members who have passed on.
Our Tia 'Mine' just passed Nov. 8, 2012. Olga Minerva Cerda Diaz, dad's sister May she rest in peace
Rogelio Escamilla Cerda- March 24, 1977
Abuelita Julia Escamilla Cerda- dad's mom
Tio (Mono) Edmundo Escamilla Cerda- dad's brother
Tio (Chencho) Cresencio Escamilla Cerda- dad's brother
Tia (Tencha) Hortencia Cerda Stephens (Uncle Albert's wife, divorced Uncle Albert and remarried)- dad's sister-in-law
'Tio' (actually mom's cousin's husband) Ramiro Gonzalez- the owner of RaGo candy from Reynosa, México
Tio Benjamin Realme Sr., Allende Coahuila, México- mom's uncle
Tio Benjamin Realme Jr., Allende Coahuila, México- mom's cousin
Uncle Jesse Diaz Sr.- dad's brother-in-law
Robert De La Fuente- our cousin, Tia Chita's son
Ismael De La Fuente (aka Smiley)- our cousin, Tia Chita's son
Adam Rodriguez- our cousin, Tia Nancy's son
Tio Pilo and Tia Beatrice Cerda Niño- dad's brother-in-law and sister- Tio Pilo use to have a little store
Vangie Niño-our cousin and Tia Bea's daughter
Rene Niño-our cousin and Tia Bea's son
Uncle Sam (Severo) Cerda- dad's brother
Abuelito Miguel Lopez Realme- mom's dad
Abuelita Herminia Felan Realme- mom's mom
Uncle Ross (Rosendo) Esparza- mom's brother-in-law
These family members were all mystified by your disappearance and also had the hope of seeing you once again.